Thursday, September 1, 2011

Senior Class Project

For All Graduating Seniors: we are organizing an opportunity for a senior class volunteer project with the South Side Mission.

They have a need for relandscaping their flagpole garden which is located right there at the mission. They have asked us to clean this

area up, put new railroad ties in place, and do new landscaping.

Please save these dates: Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sept. 22 - 24th. with raindates the following weekend Sept 29 - Oct. 1.

Project should only take 2 days and we will let you know which days as soon as we can (we know most Srs have ICC classes to work around).

Pls send Mary S. your email so we can contact you directly with scheduling updates.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Please tell Kids

1.  The church has reminded us that students are not allowed by the lake unless accompanied by an adult.
They should not need to go beyond the parking lot.

2.  Also, they have a brand new play playground.  There is to be NO food or drink in this area.  Please let the older kids know too.  They sometimes go outside for lunch.

Sewing class

We will have a "show & tell" time on Friday.  If you have already sewed, bring a project to share.  It may give others ideas of what they would like to do.  Share an idea of what you would like create this semester.  Bring your sewing machine with thread and bobbin.  If you have a manual for the machine, bring it also.  We will get familiar with the machines you are working with.

Student Contracts

Student agreement contracts are due on Friday.  Each 7th- 12th grader needs to read the rules of the co-op, and sign the agreement.