Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yearbook announcement

Hello Ladies!

I wanted to send out a reminder that any photos from your classes that you would like to have in the yearbook, need to be sent in by May 4th, the last co op.  

Seniors, a reminder to you that if you would like your senior bio in the yearbook, please send by email a senior picture, a baby picture (optional) and no more than  4 paragraphs that you would like to say about yourself. (what God has shown you through homeschooling, your plans for the future, etc.)

If you would like to send a family photo please send that by the last co op, too.  Depending on how many family photos we receive, will determine whether or not we print the family photos.  (Don't feel still don't have ours done yet...maybe for Easter!  :)  )

All these are due by the last co op, May 4th. If you have pictures available before May 4th, it would be helpful (and appreciated!) if you could send those at any time.  Our goal is to have the yearbook ready to be published by the end of May.  By that time, we will have further instructions on how to order a yearbook and when it should be available.

Thank you so much for helping to make our yearbook fun!

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