Thursday, October 25, 2012


Bathrooms - Julie
Garbage and Closing - Susan
Teacher's Lounge - Heatharlyn
Lunchroom- Mary
Gym Floor - Tonya

Dates to Remember

Nov. 2 -  Co-op at Cornerstone - NO ELECTIVES or LUNCH - Be out of the Building ASAP
Nov. 9 - Bonus co-op
Nov. 16 - Co-op  & SPRING TUITION DUE
Nov. 16 Trinity Community Church Food Pantry 1:30
MONDAY Dec. 3 - Co-op  & practice for Christmas Program
Dec 4 Christmas Program

Presidential Run

Hello to all moms and a BIG thank you to all of you who showed up for the Presidential Run. We had a good turn out and prayed for those that were not there, especially because we had some sick ones at home!! Hope they are all feeling better.

Not to lecture, but please remember that Physical Education is a very valuable class for these kids. Exercise needs to happen for all of us. We always need to promote healthy eating and exercise.

The Physical Fitness Test that we do in PE is actually a required class. It is not meant as an option. We are sorry that the run has to be done off site, but would still like ALL kids to participate. God told us to treat our bodies like temples and to treasure them. These tests are not meant as punishment or to be mean, it is meant to teach the kids the proper way to stretch and exercise their bodies. So, please try and get your kids out there and moving.

I do know that some of you will NOT be participating in the RUN as much as we would like to lecture you on that, SMILE, so if you are NOT going to, could you please e-mail us and let us know. We do try very hard to time and record the kids and it is very frustrating if we are waiting on a time for your child and you are not going to have them do it. That way, we will not worry about retesting. The children MUST PARTICIPATE in all events to receive an award. If they do all 5, they DO receive something. NO MATTER HOW THEY SCORED!

We will be having retesting this Friday for those that were absent and for those that were really close to accomplishing a goal that they were trying to achieve. We want them to SUCCEED!!!!!!

Thank you and God bless you all

Jen L.


Karen B.

times for your kids if you run them independently

run them as of their age as of October 5, 2012.

6 and 7 year olds 1/4 mile

8 and 9 year olds 1/2 mile

10 and up 1 mile

Picture Friday

This is just a quick reminder that I will be taking individual yearbook pictures of the 5th grade through 12th grade tomorrow before co op begins... before announcements.  Please have your "social time" in the gym and be available for  your pictures to be taken.  :)